Life Is?

Seems it’s already summer, where fun and excitement comes. It is also a time to reflect yourself, what really life means?
This is what really life is…….

Man is always subject to making mistakes. We all tend to make mistakes along the paths we partake in order to grow up.  These mistakes hinder us to grow according to the will of God.  We only realize this when we have gone so far ahead of all the experiences we have taken, when we look back and we see how much we have grown then, when we looked back. We then, felt proud of ourselves seeing the big leap we had taken to come this far amidst all the trials and mistakes we have undergone. This is the reality! We should admit the fact that once in our life, we have been a MISTAKE, a menace as it may seem.

Our life is like a wheel, sometimes we are at the top and sometimes down. We felt so down because we are lost. We are afraid of rejection. We felt as if we needed to meet other’s expectation just to be accepted. This is too much pressure! We barely even understand ourselves! We have a fear of being a left out, an outcast to the society.

These things are just TESTS. We should face it! Subsequently, a spark of hope will stole our attention from all those blinding darkness. It is our love ones; our family, relatives and friends or even our enemies. These people are sent by God to be our strength. They are our stronghold. We must make our weaknesses as our strengths. We should be a warrior. We should conquer the things we feared the most, the fear of being rejected.
This is what really life is. Our lives are like diamonds. To make a good diamond it must be first polished many times before we can see how much beautiful it is.
